Friday, May 18, 2012

Joe Nall...

Not much to report other than I had a chance to go to Joe Nall yesterday!  All I can say is WOW!  Some of the most incredible pilots I've had the pleasure to watch.  I also was able to witness some actual turbines in the flesh.  I would love to (eventually) make a large 1/8th or 1/7th scale F-23A with twin turbines. One step at a time though!  What I find kinda cute is that the AMA and by extension the FAA requires a turbine waiver. Since I have full size turbine time approaching 5 figures I find it kind of amusing!  True enough, they aren't quite the same...

Anyway, still haven't had any time to work on the project this week but I'm really close to PAV-1 first flight, I promise!  I did manage to order some more supplies of the AV-1, the big jet so at least some things are happening!

Stay tuned!


  1. Hello, I hope you're still there, I am also obsessed with the F-23A. I've designed a model and intend to build it I just wanted to see if I could contact you...


    - Here's an earlier iteration of my model...

  3. Man, I hope Im not too late, I've been obsessed with aviation for like a decade but the YF-23 for like a year, and you've been radio silent for over six years. I fear I may never hear from you, and for all I know you may have forgotten about this whole project. Regardless, I hope you got your plane finished...

  4. For the record, I will be checking back every so often, so don't be afraid to respond to me, Ill get back to you...
